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Terms and Conditions

Below are the terms and conditions of Concord Trailer Rental


Concord Trailer Rental & Leasing Ltd.

9200 Weston Road, P.O Box 92112 Vaughan, ON L4H 3J3


Tel: 416-732-3668 Fax: 905-660-2779

HST# 810885350 RT 0001


1. Receipt of said trailers in good repair and working condition with tires is hereby acknowledged by Lessee.

2. The term of this lease is for _ commencing on the day of 20 and ending on the _ day of 20

3. Lessee hereby agrees to pay to lessor at its address set forth as rental for the use of said trailers the sum of $____ per in advance during the term hereof and for each ___ thereafter until said trailers redelivered to Lessor, receipt of the first of such rental payments being hereby acknowledged by the Lessor. Lessee and Lessor hereby agree to all terms and conditions of this contract as above and as hereinafter set out including the terms and conditions printed on the back of this document. Concord Trailer Rental & Leasing LTD. (Hereinafter referred to as “Lessor”) does herby let and lease to whose address is as above and who is hereinafter referred to as ” Lessee” and Lessee does hereby hire from Lessor upon the terms, covenants and conditions hereinafter stated the above described personal property is referred to collectively as “trailers”. LESSEE AGREES TO PROVIDE ALL COLLISION AND COMPREHENSIVE INSURANCE TO COVER FULL VALUE OF EQUIPMENT, ALSO PUBLIC LIABILITY AND PROPERTY DAMAGE FOR $1,000,000,00.

4. In addition to payment of said rental. Lessee will reimburse Lessor for, or pay, any sales tax or other taxes on or based upon this transaction, or the rentals hereunder, any personal property or other tax levied on the property rented hereunder and any other taxes levied or based upon the ownership, use or operation of said rented property.

5. This transaction is a leasing and not a sale, conditional or otherwise. The parties understand and agree that Lessee does not acquire hereunder, or by payment of said rental any right, title or interest in or to said trailers or any thereof the right to possess and use said trailers so long and only so long as Lessee shall not be in default in performance hereof.

6. a) Lessee agrees at Lessee’s sole cost and expense to keep said trailers at all times during the life of this agreement in good repair and operating condition and free of any and all liens and encumbrances and to replace with new parts any and all badly worn or broken parts (including) but not limited to tires and tubes, if famished with the traders leased hereunder) (b) That no repairs or replacement of any parts will be made without Lessor’s authorization (strike (a) or (b) whichever is inapplicable).

7. Lessee agrees that upon termination of this agreement by expiration, cancellation or otherwise. Lessee will return said trailers to Lessor at Lessor’s address herein above started at Lessee’s cost and expense in the same condition and state of repair as when they were delivered to Lessee hereunder ordinary wear and tear excepted.

8. For the express purpose of including the Lessor to enter into this Agreement. Lessee warrants that the trailer shall not be operated (a) in violation of any law ordinance, rule or regulation of any government agency or body or by any person who is not a duly licensed chauffeur or under the age of twenty-one. (b) To propel or tow any other vehicle. (c) By any person other than the Lessee or any person regularly employed by such Lessee. (d) By a driver or Lessee who has given a fictions name or false address. (e) By any person while under the influence of intoxicants or narcotics. (f) Recklessly as to speed or otherwise or any race or speed contest. (g) Outside the scope of the driver’s employment and the usual course of business of the Lessee.

9. The Lessee acknowledges and agrees

            a) That the trailer is the property of the Lessor

            b) That he has inspected the vehicle in the presence of the Lessor and that it is received by Lessee in good condition mechanically and otherwise

            c) That no repairs or replacement on any parts will be made without the Lessor’s authorization

            d) Not to remove the trailer from the Province in which delivery is made without the written consent of Lessor

            e) That the trailer is not to be used by the Lessee on or in connection with the business of the Lessor and will at all times during the contract be operated under the Lessee or his employer’s exclusive dominion and control

            f) That the Lessor will not be liable for any loss damage to cargo however caused or for the property of Lessee or for injuries to Lessee, his agents, guest or other occupants of the trailer for any cause whatsoever, and it is further agreed that the insurance hereinafter provided excludes coverage for injuries to occupants of the trailer

10. Lessee agrees at Lessee’s sole cost and expense to procure and deliver to Lessor. simultaneously with, or prior to delivery of said trailers to Lessee a policy or policies, of insurance satisfactory to Lessor as to insurer. from and amount of coverage with premiums prepaid thereon for the term of this lease protecting Lessor against all loss and damages it may sustain or suffer because of (a) loss of or damage to said trailers or any thereof because of fire, theft and/or collision of said trailers or any thereof and (b) the death or injury to, or damage to the property of any third person as a result of. in whole or in part the ownership use possession of condition of said trailers or any thereof while in the custody, possession or control of Lessee hereunder with limits of $100.000.00 to $300.000,00 as personal injury and $50.000,00 as to property damage

11. Lessee agrees to indemnify and hold Lessor harmless from and against any claims or causes of action for death on injury to person or loss or damage to property in excess of the limits of liability insurance provided for herein and arising out of or caused by the use of the trailers rented hereunder

12. Lessee agrees to promptly notify Lessor of any accident. loss or damage to or involving the trailers and to file with Lessor a complete report in writing of such accident.

13. Lessee expressly agrees to indemnify the Lessor for

           a) Any and all losses. damage and cost and expenses incurred by the Lessor or his insurance company because of injury or damage sustained by any occupant of said trailers.

           b) All loss damage, cost and expense resulting from Lessee’s violation of any terms of this contact

           c) Loss of or damage to the trailers during the rental period

           d) All cost of repossessing the trailers

            f) Any damage or loss to the trailers Lessor any sustain directly or because of service required to extricate and/or tow the trailers due to Lessee’s driving or hauling the trailers off the highway into septic tanks or sand, or any other position from which the trailers must be extricated.

            g) All damages resulting from loading the trailers beyond the payload limits

            h) All damages to property resulting from the operation of the trailers off a public road

            i) A fines or penalties including for feature of seizure resulting from the use of the trailers during the term of this contract.

14) Lessee assumes all responsibility for such Licenses, titles, permits and other certificates as may be required by law or otherwise for Lessee’s lawful operation of said Trailers hereunder provided however, that in the event Lessee is unable to obtain such license, title, permit or certificate and the Lessor can lawfully obtain the same. Lessor will, upon Lessee’s written request therefor and tender to Lessor in cash Lessor’s cost therefor procure such licenses, titles and certificates as may be required for Lessee’s use of said trailers to the extent that Lessor may lawfully so do. All title documents covering the trailers leased hereunder shall show Lessor's ownership of said trailers.

15) Lessor reserves to itself and its successors and assigns the right to place and maintain upon each side of each trailer leased hereunder at all times during the life of this agreement the words CONCORD TRAILER RENTAL and Lessee agrees not to remove, obscure, deface or obliterate any of said words or to permit or suffer any other person so to do and Lessee agrees to comply with all laws, rules and regulations applicable to Lessee’s operation of the trailers leased hereunder.

16) In the event any act or thing required of Lessee hereunder shall not be done and performed in the manner and at the time or times required by this agreement or in the event Lessee becomes insolvent, bankrupt, or otherwise unable to perform its obligations hereunder. Lessee shall thereby by and become in default under this agreement. Thereby vesting in Lessor the absolute and unqualified right to terminate this agreement by notice to Lessee and to retake and retain said trailers free of all right of Lessee without any other liability or obligation to redeliver to same or any thereof to Lessee and without to any extent releasing Lessee from Lessee’s obligation for payment of the rent reserved hereunder.

17) This instrument contains the entire agreement between the parties pertaining to the subject matter hereof and shall ensure to the benefit of any bind the heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns of the parties hereto unless reduced to writing and signed by the parties to be bound thereby.

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